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The Beginning

The Beginning

Welcome to our (B & M’s) new blog space.  As we mention in our About page, this is a joint venture between B  and me (M) and our respective blogs, MolecularKnitting and MolecularDrinking (originally CocktailsWithM).  The idea behind it is that this would broadly be about what we find interesting about life in general (not just knitting and cocktails).  It will be a combination of cross posts from the other blogs as well as new content that doesn’t really fit either of our original blogs.

By way of an example, B & I were talking about the number of fantastic cookbooks that we have and yet how we regularly cook from our relatively small repertoire of “old standbys”.   To remedy this we decided that we would each cook a meal with two new recipes each month that are 1) from the cookbooks on our bookshelves and 2) that we have not made before.    Hopefully this will break up the monotony a bit and allow us to find some great recipes.

For my inaugural post,  I will be doing a rif on chile verde from one of Rick Bayless’ cookbooks with red Mexican rice from Diana Kennedy’s cookbook.

Keep an eye on this post as well, as B may be chiming in on it in the future.



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